My name is Erica Manole and I’m a photographer.
I’ve started a new journey. I’m creating beautiful things using my photos, excellent materials and a lot of love! I want my creations to make you dream, I want them to make you travel with your mind, I want my creations to have attached to them a sense of belonging to a perfect dimension where everyone feels good and just a glimpse or a simple touch of one of my products can take you there… where you want to be!
I imagined them and created them to give and spread good vibes. I want my work, the products I create to be able to transport you there for at least a few seconds : in a good place… in a peaceful place… in your dream place!
I’m selling a feeling “attached” to a colourful silk scarf or a print.
I’m selling dreams.
With love,
Erica Manole